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Note: Slide mouse cursor over picture for a brief synopsis. Click on image to view larger picture.

Row 1   Early Ann Arbor trolley car  Streetcars in Atlanta  Streetcars in Atlanta  Streetcars in Atlanta  Atlantic City streetcars  Ames, Iowa electric trolley line 

Row 2   Atlantic City & Shore Railroad  Alleman, Iowa station  Auburn & Syracuse Electric Ry Co.  Ames, Iowa  Ames, Iowa  Trolley barn Edgewood, 

Row 3   Amtraks West Virginian  Boston Elevated Ry Co.  BR&P #1001, aka the Comet  Brooklyn two-horse trolley.  Extended mail trolley  Extended mail trolley 

Row 4   North Shore Line  The Milwaukee Limited  Chicago North Shore Electroliner  Holiday crowd bound for Coney Island  Chicago Union Traction  Columbus, Ohio Interurban Union Station 

Row 5   CTA 'Green Hornet' PCC 4391  CTA streetcar on LaSalle near Washington Street.  CTA PCC #4047  Columbus, Ohio Interurban Union Station  CC&L Railroad - Cincinnati Interurban Station  Chicago Aurora & Elgin Railroad 

Row 6   Chicago North Shore train wreck.  Canton, Ohio Massillon-Electric Trolley Line  Jewett Car Co. interurban  California Railway  Chicago Cable Car  Cincinnati & Lake Erie Interurban Railroad 

Row 7   Dallas mule pulled trolley car  Dallas mule pulled trolley car  A Dallas interurban and freight engine  Dallas Interurban  Dayton & Western Traction Co.  Trams at the Denver City storage yard, 1909 

Row 8   Central and Interurban Loops near 15th and Arapahoe  Detroit's first horse-drawn rail cars  Detroit's first horse-drawn rail cars  Detroit's electric streetcars  Detroit's electric streetcars  First DA&N R.R. interurban cars 1914 

Row 9   Des Moines electric streetcar  Durham Traction Co.  East St. Louis Columbia & Waterloo Railway  FtDDM&S trolley at Kelly, Iowa  Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Interurban  Grand Rapids electric streetcars 

Row 10   Grand  HG&B electric Ry station  Houston Trolley bridge  Houston Trolley bridge  Illinois Traction System  Illinois Terminal Electric Line 

Row 11   The Indiana Railroad #80  Interurban Limited at Indianapolis  anesville, Wisconsin trolley car  Jacksonville, FL Bay Street  Jacksonville, FL - intersection of Forsyth & Main  Winfield, KS lone trolley car 

Row 12   Kansas City Public Service Co.  Kansas City interurban  LA Horse-drawn streetcar 

Row 13   Los Angeles Cable Railway  Los Angeles Cable Railway  LA cable car on Broadway  Lake Shore Electric Railway  East Los Angeles Cable Railway opening day  Los Angeles Cable Railway 

Row 14   First electric car in LA  First electric car in LA  Powerhouse of the Los Angeles Cable Railway  LA  Boyle Heights, Cable Railway Opening Day  LA  Boyle Heights, Cable Railway Opening Day  Lehigh Valley Transit 

Row 15   Louisville Interurban  Louisville Interurban  Electrified Mexicano line at Esperanza, Mexico  Orell Interurban  Louisville Interurban  Interurban Electric R.R, Holland, Michigan 

Row 16   MoPac passenger rail bus  MoPac Baytown, TX depot  The Milwaukee Street Railway  Milwaukee North Shore  Milwaukee Road Electric  Milwaukee Road Electric 

Row 17   Hoosier interurban bus in Indianapolis  Jackson-Battle Creek Line  NJ Suffern Trolley  NJ Suffern Trolley  Charlotte, NC trolley car  NYW&B trolley car 

Row 18   Nashville & Franklin Interurban ca. 1935  New York horse trolley  End of Manhattan horse trolley  New York, Times Square trolley cars  Buffalo, NY last trolley  NY&Q transit car #32 on the Jamiaca Line 

Row 19   Newark, railway trolleys ca. 1914.  North Jersey Rapid Transit  Newton & Boston Street Ry.  Oregon Electric train  Oregon Horsecars  Oregon Electric trolley 

Row 20   Oakland & Berkeley Rapid Transit Co.  Bellaire Street Railway Co.  Ohio and Southern Trolley Line  Citizens Railway Streetcar  Olentangy Park Columbus, Ohio  Ohio Market Street trolley 

Row 21   Oregon-Washington Railroad  Stark Electric Railroad  First Ohio Electric cable car  Pacific Electric streetcars junked  Pacific Electric Glendale Line in Los Angeles  Pacific Electric interurban 

Row 22   Pacific Electric interurban  Pacific Electric Ry  Pacific Electric Special  Pacific Electric San Bernardino Station  Pacific Coast Ry Co.  Ohio Southern Traction Company 

Row 23   PH&CP Ry trolley  Pacific Electric Belmont Tunnel opening  The Interurban, Van Alstyne, Texas  Pacific Electric Broadway Street  Pacific Electric (1901-1961)  Tacoma Interurban Railway 

Row 24   Seattle interurban streetcar  Sacramento Northern R.R. station ca. 1921.  Seattle Central Railway Co.  Opening Day, San Diego Cable Ry, June 7, 1890  San Diego Electric Rapid Transit Company  Seattle with a VIP pose 

Row 25   Out with the old, in with the new  San Diego Electric Ry  Rochester Sodus Bay Trolley  The Schenectady - Saratoga Trolley  San Francisco Trolley  Streetcar barn, Mission Cliffs Gardens 

Row 26   Oregon Electric baggage car  Chicago's Alley L  Chicago 'L' car derailed  Baltimore's Saratoga & Ellicott City Trolley  St. Louis Public Service Co. streetcars  St. Louis 2 horse trolley 

Row 26   Sherman-Dallas Interurban Railway.  Stark Electric RR Co. car #48 Canton, Ohio  Texas Electric RR-DenverChicago-South Side Rapid Transit   Chicago-Market Street stub terminal  The Schenectady - Saratoga Trolley 

Row 27   Tacoma Interurban  Tampa’s 1st street railway system  Texas Electric Interurban advertisement  Texas Electric RR-Denver  U.S. Mail truck and interurban railway car  Washington, D. C. underground conduit 

Row 28   Winston-Salem Railway & Electric Company streetcar #24  Washington Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Railroad  Wheeling Railway Company Trolley  Washington Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Railroad  Wilkes-Barre & Hazleton Railway   Close Call 

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